Gravatar is now part of Automattic which means that the service is going to be even better. Features that previously required payment are now freely available to everyone. They will also be getting an upgrade soon.
May your avatar follow you
Gravatar is now part of Automattic which means that the service is going to be even better. Features that previously required payment are now freely available to everyone. They will also be getting an upgrade soon.
British government wants to police virtual worlds
Some restrictions have already been imposed on virtual worlds. Second Life, for instance, was recently forced to close all its casinos in order to fall in line with US laws banning online gaming.
Zabaware wins the “most human” computer of the year prize
The Loebner Prize is an annual competition where software programs attempt to convince human judges that they are actually people. In a Turing Test a judge talks with 2 “entities” - a human and a computer - simultaneously through a text-based instant messaging system. It is up to the judge to decide which is which.
Virtual worlds allow for educational opportunities
Spending time in virtual reality is not only about entertainment, but also learning. Educators have already realized that Second Life provides them with unique opportunities to connect with students in a virtual landscape. What is more, it enhances communication between students and faculty as it's often more convenient to meet in a virtual world than it is to schedule an in-person appointment. It is also an opportunity to speak with geographically scattered colleagues who may not have the chance to meet in real life.
An experiment to see how Second Life can be used to promote instruction, research, cultural and economic development and to provide students with a virtual learning space has already been initiated. If the results are satisfactory, they could bring a new dimension to distance learning.
Thought-controlled avatars in Second Life
I, Robot, take you, Robert, to be my wedded husband?
Concluding from the changing attitudes towards the meaning of marriage and the development of AI, within a few decades robots will be so humanlike in their appearance and functionality, in their personality, and in their expression of emotions, that many people will be falling in love with them, have intimate relationships with them, and even marrying them. This controversial statement comes from the recently defended doctoral thesis of David Levy, a British artificial intelligence researcher and international chess master. The thesis titled “Intimate Relationships with Artificial Partners” was presented at the University of Maastricht in The Netherlands.
David Levy says that in the past people only showed affection for other humans, but that this has now expanded to include pets and even robotic dogs. In his opinion, this trend will eventually lead to humans loving sophisticated robots. Such predictions may not be as groundless as they seem: in near future we will be able to build robots that will not only look almost, or even just, like real people, but also be programmed to share our views, likes or dislikes, knowledge and values. If our expectations of our partner change, all we’d have to do is reprogramme him. Doesn’t it sound like a dream of an ideal partner come true?
Portable avatars to travel between virtual worlds?
At the moment, for every virtual world visitors have to build a different avatar, which is pretty time-consuming. An open system would mean that people will only need to create one avatar which could keep the same name, appearance and custom data whether it was in Second Life or anywhere else in cyberspace. However, it will take time before we face the era of universal avatars crossing the borders of different virtual worlds. Will they need to apply for a passport?
CAPTCHA helps to keep out bots and preserve books
The CMU research team, based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is involved in digitising old books and manuscripts supplied by a non-profit organisation called the Internet Archive, and uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to examine scanned images of texts and turn them into digital text files which can be stored and searched by computers. Unfortunately, due to the poor quality of the original documents the OCR software is unable to read about one in ten words. To solve this problem the team takes images of such words and uses them as CAPTCHAs. These CAPTCHAs, known as reCAPTCHAS, are then distributed to websites around the world to be used in place of conventional CAPTCHAs. Thanks to the adoption of reCAPTCHAs by popular websites like Facebook, Twitter and StumbleUpon, the system is helping to decipher about one million words every day, allowing the CMU team to digitise documents and manuscripts as fast as the Internet Archive can supply them. How is it possible? Well, when visitors decipher the reCAPTCHAs to gain access to the web site, another word from an old book or manuscript is digitised and sent back to CMU. Simple but brilliant, isn’t it.
Why not have an avatar salesperson?
Why have them? Animated speaking characters, enabling you to deliver your message using both sight and sound, reinforce your messaging and establish trust. Research has shown that virtual salespeople can increase your conversion and sales and create a lasting impression that will drive traffic and increase the likelihood of return visits. Avatar salespeople are also a great way to differentiate your company and its web site from your competitors. You will be able to create a vast variety of animated characters whose image will appeal to your target group.
Virtual salespeople can also be used to promote your products and services at Online auctions, providing higher virtual sales and increasing awareness. Talking characters have been proven to make using it eBay auctions stand out. If you want to let your Online clients see and hear the difference, an avatar salesperson might be a good way to do so.
Will getting a job depend on using a proper avatar?
Companies use cues from avatars when screening job candidates in virtual worlds, and what your avatar looks like can impact your chances to land the position you want. Interviewers are judging your avatar by its dress and actions just as surely as they would judge you in real life. So when you head into Second Life for a job interview, select your avatar just as carefully as you would choose your clothes for a face-to-face meeting. Remember that your choice of an avatar and its mannerisms represent you.
Can writing software make you a Nobel Prize winner?
And now imagine that a mediocre writer improves the style of his prose thanks to this innovative software, becomes successful and awarded. Or that politicians who normally struggle to explain themselves in plain English suddenly start to give nice speeches written well in advance. Such situations are, for now, hypothetical but not that hard to imagine, and show that intelligent technologies are, at least sometimes, a real key to success...
Will iLearning replace eLearning?

uMind will deliver two pioneering platforms that teach rather than simply deploy content. Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence, uSim and uLearn estimate, control and anticipate the learner’s behavior, providing him with relevant, adapted feedback in real-time. But that’s not all – uMind created a solution to one of the most significant weaknesses associated with distance learning: the absence of interaction between the learner and the instructor that normally intervenes inside the framework of a classroom. Her name is Aimy.
Aimy is an AI-enhanced technology that behaves like a virtual instructor. This advanced technology builds and modifies the learning path in real-time, and generates various pedagogical strategies according to the learner’s needs. Aimy will assist and prompt the learner throughout the course, correct skill gaps, assess the learner’s cognitive/emotional profile and customize the course according to it. Oh, and just look at her. Isn’t she the teacher you always dreamt of?